

Regular p-Maps and Regular Cayley Maps of Z_p^n

主 讲 人 :杜少飞    教授


地      点 :理科群1号楼D203室


A (topological) map is a cellular decomposition of a closed surface. A common way to describe maps is to view them as 2-cell embeddings of graphs. A map is called a p-map if it has a prime p-power vertices. An orientably -regular (resp.A regular ) p -map is called solvable if the group G+ of all orientation-preserving automorphisms (resp. the group G of automorphisms) is solvable; and called normal if G+ (resp. G) contains the normal Sylow p-subgroup. In this talk, it will be proved that both orientably-regular p-maps and regular p-maps are solvable and except for few cases that p ∈ {2,3}, they are normal.

Regular Cayley Maps are regular embeddings of Cayley graphs. One of a special families of regular p-maps is regular Cayley maps of elementary abelian p-groups. In this talk, a complete classification of such maps will be given and moreover, the number of these maps and their genera will be enumerated.


杜少飞,男,1964出生,现为首都师范大学韩国吃胸口边膜53分钟视频教授。1996年北京大学数学系取得博士学位,师从徐明曜教授专攻有限群论及代数组合论。1998年开始在首都师范大学工作,1999年评为教授,2002任博士生导师。 30年来,在有限群论及置换群理论、半对称图、图的正则覆盖、正则地图及点传递图的H-圈等方面做了大量工作,在JCTB,JCTA, Combinatorica, JGT,EJC, DM, JACO等组合类杂志,以及J. of Algebra, Comm. in Algebra, J of Group Theory代数类等杂志上发表了60篇论文;30次出访国外和同行们进行学术交流与合作;主持完成国家自然科学基金6项。目前担任国际专业杂志Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (SCI)及ARS Mathematica Contemporanea (SCI)的编委。